CSS Quiz Review


This short quiz will cover both CSS and HTML coding.  You are expected to review both.  We will not go over all the answers from this work.  It is up to you to look up the questions that you are unsure about.  The quiz is tomorrow.



















<body >


























2. HTML stands for


A)     HyperTension Markup Language

B)      HyperText Markup Language

C)      Highly Textual Markup Language

D)      Highly Textual Marking Language

E)       Hot Tomato Makeup & Lipstick


3. The words that are contained inside the < symbol and the > symbol are all:


A)     scripts

B)      tags

C)      marks

D)      hypertext

E)       annoying


4. All the content of webpage is located inside the


A)     content section

B)      head section

C)      word section

D)      body section

E)       dissection


5. The following sentence will have only the word “best” in bold:


A)     Mr. Campeau is not the best <bold>teacher</bold>.

B)      Mr. Campeau is the </b>best<b> teacher.

C)      Mr. Campeau is the <bold>best teacher.

D)      Mr. Campeau is the <bold>best</bold> teacher.

E)       Mr. Campeau is not the <b>best</b> teacher.

6. In the following html code, <font color=”blue”>Word up hommies</font>, the attribute is


A)     font

B)      /font

C)      color

D)      blue

E)       hommies


7. To add an image called viking.jpg to a website, we use the following tag:


A)     <img src=”viking.jpg”>

B)      <a href=”viking.jpg”>

C)      <image source=”viking.jpg”>

D)      <a href=”viking”>

E)       None of the above


8. Which statement best describes the following tag: <frameset cols=”33%, 67%”>


A)     This will separate the screen into two rows.

B)      This will separate the screen into two columns.

C)      This will specify the set of html pages that will be displayed on the screen.

D)      This will display two images that are 33% and 66% of their original size.

E)       This will confuse everybody.


9. The <a href=”...”> tag is used to


A)     Make text fly in from the side of the page.

B)      Make a link to another webpage or website.

C)      Add an image to the site.

D)      Alter the look and size of regular text.

E)       Confuse students.


10.Which of the following will create a table with one row and three columns




















<table border=”1”>













<table border=”1”>










1. Which of the following CSS rules will make the entire html document background blue?


a)       body {background-color: blue;}

b)       div.body {background-color: blue;}

c)       div.body {background-color: green;}

d)       div.entire {background-color: blue;}

e)       div {background-color: blue;}


2. CSS stands for _______________ _______________ _______________.

3. The link to an external CSS document is inside the following section of the HTML document:


a)       The <head> section.

b)       The <body> section.

c)       The <div> section.

d)       The <class> section.

e)       The C section. (I couldn’t help myself.  My wife is due any day!)


4.Instead of using <p>, <h1>, <h2>, ... tags, the use of CSS suggests we use _________ tags. This allows us to put all the formatting inside the CSS document.
5. Which of the following is the correct HTML template?



























6. Which of the following CSS rules contains a syntax error?

























7. Which of the following will make a link turn blue when we place the mouse over that link?

a)       a:linkOver{color:blue}

b)       a:hover{color:blue}

c)       a:mouseOver{color:blue}

d)       <div>mouse onRelease=”blue”</div>

e)       <a href=www.google.ca>blue link</a>


8. Which of the following html tags will display an image?

a)       <image href=”coco.jpg”>

b)       <img src=”coco.jpg>

c)       <a href=”coco.jpg”>

d)       <a src=”coco.jpg”>

e)       <show me the coco picture homie>


9. The CSS rule p.class1{color:blue} will apply to which of the following paragraph tags?

a)       <p>

b)       <p.class1>

c)       <p class=”class1”>

d)       <p class1>

e)       all of the above


10. The CSS rule p {color:blue} will apply to which of the following paragraph tags?

a)       <p>

b)       <p.class1>

c)       <p class=”class1”>

d)       <p class1>

e)       all of the above


11. To specify an external CSS document that will be used in an HTML document, we need to use the tag:

a)       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="filename.css">

b)       <a href="filename.css">

c)       <a href="filename.css">here</a>

d)       <a type="CSS" src="filename.css">

e)       <a rel="styleshee" type="CSS" src="filename.css">


12. The set of rules that specify how words and symbols combine to create commands in CSS is called:

a)       selector

b)       syntax

c)       rule set

d)       style rule

e)       laws